Agile Implementation Training
Agile Implementation — a proven evidence-based change methodology designed specifically to improve healthcare. Multiple sessions are available and provided by the Center for Health Innovation and Implementation Science. Registration and travel are covered for GLPTN participants. CME/CE credits available.
Session Dates: June 25-27, July 30-August 1
Clinician's Perspective

As a family physician I have not one but two jobs these days: take great care of my patients and continually improve my practice. I look forward to working with the practice improvement facilitators in the Great Lakes Practice Transformation Network to help me do both of these jobs better. An extra pair of skilled hands will be a welcome addition to our improvement team.
2017 Million Hearts Hypertension Control Challenge
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Dear Colleague: Today, health systems and professionals are equipped with the knowledge and technology to ...
3 Robust Approaches to Dementia Care
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
3 Robust Approaches to Dementia Care Programs integrate services in the hospital and out, and among ...
A Population Health Approach to Dementia
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
A Population Health Approach to Dementia by Catherine A. Alder, JD, Bharath B. Reddy Bynagari and Malaz ...
State Operations – Michigan
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Michigan runs the program for our clinicians in Ohio.
Emily Ehrlich, MPH, PMP
GLPTN Michigan Project Director
Emily leads the GLPTN Michigan and Ohio operations by coordinating with program partner organizations across the Midwest; supporting development of tools and resources to execute the technical assistance services and the training of Quality Improvement Advisor Staff; providing oversight and collaboration with sub-contractors across the state of Michigan; and influencing development and management of quality data collection and reporting for data driven QI. Emily has more than 20 years of professional experience working with health care quality improvement initiatives, and her areas of expertise include health care cost and utilization, clinical quality measure development, and practice transformation. Prior to coming to Altarum, Emily worked as a researcher at Mathematica Policy Research and as project manager at Truven Health Analytics. She has played key roles in multiple health care quality studies and initiatives including: Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ)-funded Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) studies; CMS-funded clinical quality measurement projects; the Health Care Innovation Awards (HCIA) Primary Care Redesign Evaluation; and the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) Healthcare Delivery Leadership Project to assess the effectiveness of alternative reimbursement models.
Danielle Vibbert, MPH
GLPTN Michigan Deputy Director
At Altarum Institute, Danielle serves as Senior Research Analyst in the Center for Implementation Science, where she focuses on research and evaluation of health IT within public/private and domestic/international settings. For the past several years she has worked primarily on federal engagements to evaluate health IT portfolios varying in size, scope and setting.
Greg Makris, M.D.
GLPTN Michigan Clinical Lead
At Altarum Institute, Dr. Makris has contributed to the development of a clinical decision support product for advanced diagnostic imaging, which aids practitioners by providing access to current evidence-based guidelines, local best practices, and other relevant information. He has provided significant contributions to workflow integration, user interface, clinical accuracy and electronic health record (EHR) integration. Other projects include development of a webinar series instructing health care systems and providers in leveraging their electronic health record to provide improved care to those with chronic illness, specifically diabetes and hypertension. He also is involved in a statewide program dedicated to improving access to much-needed preventative dental services for one million underserved children. Before joining Altarum, Dr. Makris has more than 15 years of experience in clinical internal medicine. In addition to providing direct patient care, he has performed multiple roles in the EHR selection and implementation process – demonstrating strong competencies in helping healthcare providers choose, install and operate electronic medical record systems that achieve their cost, deadline and service objectives.