Agile Implementation Training
Agile Implementation — a proven evidence-based change methodology designed specifically to improve healthcare. Multiple sessions are available and provided by the Center for Health Innovation and Implementation Science. Registration and travel are covered for GLPTN participants. CME/CE credits available.
Session Dates: June 25-27, July 30-August 1
Clinician's Perspective

As a family physician I have not one but two jobs these days: take great care of my patients and continually improve my practice. I look forward to working with the practice improvement facilitators in the Great Lakes Practice Transformation Network to help me do both of these jobs better. An extra pair of skilled hands will be a welcome addition to our improvement team.
2017 Million Hearts Hypertension Control Challenge
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Dear Colleague: Today, health systems and professionals are equipped with the knowledge and technology to ...
3 Robust Approaches to Dementia Care
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
3 Robust Approaches to Dementia Care Programs integrate services in the hospital and out, and among ...
A Population Health Approach to Dementia
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
A Population Health Approach to Dementia by Catherine A. Alder, JD, Bharath B. Reddy Bynagari and Malaz ...
Support & Alignment Network
We believe that by working together and leveraging the expertise of our partners we can better serve patients and empower the clinicians who make us well. For instance, if you need help with editing, you may leave a specific request (something like "Could you help me write my capstone project?") and wait for editors' approval.
To help you implement change, you’ll benefit from free resources and support provided by the following members of our national Support & Alignment Network (SAN):
- American College of Emergency Physicians SAN
- American College of Physicians, Inc. SAN
- Healthcare Dynamics International, Inc. SAN
- Patient Centered Primary Care Collaborative SAN
- The American Board of Family Medicine, Inc. SAN (PRIME Registry)
- Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement SAN
- American College of Radiology SAN
- American Psychiatric Association SAN
- American Medical Association SAN
- Nurse Practitioner SAN