Clinician's Perspective

I'm very excited to be part of GLPTN and witness firsthand some of the exciting changes that are taking place in our healthcare system to help promote high quality care. I hope to see the tools of implementation science put to the test to help rapidly disseminate meaningful improvements to healthcare processes and ultimately to patients' lives.
A Population Health Approach to Dementia
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
A Population Health Approach to Dementia by Catherine A. Alder, JD, Bharath B. Reddy Bynagari and Malaz ...
3 Robust Approaches to Dementia Care
Thursday, January 1, 1970
3 Robust Approaches to Dementia Care Programs integrate services in the hospital and out, and among ...
2017 Million Hearts Hypertension Control Challenge
Thursday, January 1, 1970
Dear Colleague: Today, health systems and professionals are equipped with the knowledge and technology to ...
Conquering MACRA: What You Need to Know to be Successful
Hosted by GLPTN’s Central Network, the February 16, 2017, conference at the Indianapolis Marriott North focused on important elements of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA). More than 200 attendees heard from nine speakers on topics pertaining to the new MACRA Quality Payment Program (QPP). You are welcome to download the following presentation PowerPoints.
Project Sonar – An Intensive Medical Home for Patients with IBD
Dr. Lawrence Kosinski, M.D., Managing Partner, Illinois Gastroenterology Group (IGG)
Dr. Kosinski spoke about Project Sonar, a community-based registry and disease management program developed by IGG to improve clinical and economic outcomes in patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
MACRA: The Final Rule Overview
Natalie Stewart, MBA, Senior Advisor-Quality Services, Purdue Healthcare Advisors
Natalie gave participants a dive deep into the potential financial impacts of the MIPS program, the 4 performance categories, and a glimpse at how MIPS will mature in subsequent years.
Get to Know the MIPS Reporting Methods
Allison Bryan-Jungels, MS, CHES, GLPTN Network QI Lead, and GLPTN Indiana Program Manager, and Senior Advisor for Purdue Healthcare Advisors, Purdue University
For transitional year 2017, CMS has offered many options for clinicians to successfully report to the new MIPS program. Allison focused on the primary reporting tracks as well as the various methods for reporting (i.e. attestation, via claims, via registry, etc.) to prepare participants to choose the best option for the group to successfully report.
MIPS: “BYOQ – Bring Your Own QRUR” Interpretation Session
Don Gettinger, Quality Data Reporting Manager, Qsource
Don talked through a sample Quality and Resource Usage Report (QRUR), highlighting areas where you can find actionable information. He discussed how to review your own QRURs to determine how they will be affected by the Medicare Value Based Payment Modifier program, and how to prepare for reporting under the new QPP.
Advanced Payment Models: AAPMs Deeper Dive
Trudi Matthews, GLPTN Kentucky Clinical Lead, and Managing Director of the Kentucky Regional Extension Center
Trudi provided an overview of Advanced Alternative Payment Models under MACRA, and talked about the options for receiving a 5% lump sum bonus in 2019 and beyond as well as how to prepare for successfully moving to APMs.
The Next-Generation ACO Experience
Dr. Fred Wallisch, M.D., Executive Director of Accountable Care for Deaconess Health System and Deaconess Care Integration, LLC
The Evansville, Ind.-based family medicine physician discussed the Advanced Alternative Payment Model experience: challenges, successes, and lessons learned.
Panel Discussion: Strategies to Reduce Healthcare Cost
Chronic Care Management and its Role in Transforming to Value-based Payment Models
Panelist Cody Mullen, Network Development Coordinator, Indiana Rural Health Association (IRHA)
Cody discussed the important role Chronic Care Management (CCM) plays in improving patient outcomes; assisting a practice in transforming to value-based payment models; and the potential for additional revenue for practices. He has reviewed the major changes in 2017 that make the CCM program more patient- and clinician-friendly.
Medication Reconciliation Best Practices
Panelist Michael Melby, Chief Executive Officer, HealthLINC
Nurse Navigators Lead to Cost Savings
Panelist Jane Russell, MSN, Director of Continuum of Care, Good Samaritan Hospital
Conference materials contained within the Great Lakes Practice Transformation Network website as well as any materials distributed onsite at a GLPTN-sponsored conference are the sole property of the individual speaker who presented the materials, and the materials are provided for informational and educational purposes of the initial recipients only. The materials therein may not be republished without the prior express written permission of the owner.