Clinicians Perspecitve

"I'm very excited to be part of GLPTN and witness firsthand some of the exciting changes that are taking place in our healthcare system to help promote high quality care. I hope to see the tools of implementation science put to the test to help rapidly disseminate meaningful improvements to healthcare processes and ultimately to patients' lives. "
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Altarum Institute to Lead Clinical Practice Transformation Effort in Michigan
Friday, October 2, 2015
Altarum Institute is excited to announce that it will lead the Michigan arm of a ...
Support and Alignment Networks
Support and Alignment Networks
Funded by the Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative, 10 Support and Alignment Networks are offering assistance such as continuing medical education, certification maintenance, data registries, etc. to participants in the Great Lakes Practice Transformation Network. If you want to order custom papers online, look through the guide at the main page.
The following organizations are the Support and Alignment Networks:
- American College of Emergency Physicians
- American College of Physicians, Inc.
- HCD International, Inc.
- Patient Centered Primary Care Foundation
- The American Board of Family Medicine, Inc.
- Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement
- American College of Radiology
- American Psychiatric Association
- American Medical Association
- National Nursing Centers Consortium
Each SAN can provide unique assistance in your transformation journey.