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Clinicians Perspecitve

Clinicians Perspecitve

"I'm very excited to be part of GLPTN and witness firsthand some of the exciting changes that are taking place in our healthcare system to help promote high quality care. I hope to see the tools of implementation science put to the test to help rapidly disseminate meaningful improvements to healthcare processes and ultimately to patients' lives. "Ashley Overley, MD, Assistant Medical Director, Division of Mental Health & Addiction IN Family & Social Services Administration


Ready to enroll in the Great Lakes Practice Transformation Network? Apply Now


Altarum Institute to Lead Clinical Practice Transformation Effort in Michigan

Friday, October 2, 2015

Altarum Institute is excited to announce that it will lead the Michigan arm of a ...


The Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative is one of the largest federal investments uniquely designed to support clinician practices through nationwide, collaborative, and peer-based learning networks that facilitate large-scale practice transformation.

The Practice Transformation Networks are peer-based learning networks designed to coach, mentor and assist clinicians in developing core competencies specific to practice transformation. This approach allows clinician practices to become actively engaged in the transformation and ensures collaboration among a broad community of practices that creates, promotes, and sustains learning and improvement across the health care system.

Participants in the Great Lakes Practice Transformation network will have access to National CMS Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative (TCPI) Resources.

National Community of Practice where content and resources are available for all member participants (link to Communities of Practice page of site)

Support & Alignment Network (SAN) to achieve alignment with medical education, maintenance of certification (Link to Support and Alignment page of site)

TCPI National Faculty Experts to provide expertise to continuing development and spread of TCPI Aims and Goals (Link to National Experts page of site)