Clinicians Perspecitve

"I'm very excited to be part of GLPTN and witness firsthand some of the exciting changes that are taking place in our healthcare system to help promote high quality care. I hope to see the tools of implementation science put to the test to help rapidly disseminate meaningful improvements to healthcare processes and ultimately to patients' lives. "
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Altarum Institute to Lead Clinical Practice Transformation Effort in Michigan
Friday, October 2, 2015
Altarum Institute is excited to announce that it will lead the Michigan arm of a ...
IU Med school Leading ‘Transformational’ Program
Thursday, October 1, 2015
A new $46 million program spearheaded by the Indiana University School of Medicine is taking on the lofty goal of improving health care while lowering costs. The Great Lakes Practice Transformation Network involves training and deploying “quality improvement advisors” to transform the way 10 million patients are cared for by 11,500 medical professionals at hospitals throughout Indiana, Illinois and Michigan. The network is a collaboration among nearly three dozen university and state-connected partners designed to reduce unnecessary visits and testing, while potentially saving $1 billion. Read Full Story